Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Start the year right!...get a tattoo!

.....that's what I did 2 days ago. It wasn't out of boredom...planned of getting one months after my first tat (w/c was last year)  but had the guts and money to get it this year. =)

I didn't get to take pictures during my very first that's why this time I made sure I have some. lol.

stencil placing
big and small mandala done
all mandalas done
freehand of swirls

...Thanks Jessica Angelique V. Limcangco for coming with me, taking my pictures and bearing with my ugly ass face during the dutdutan session..your presence and awesomeness is much appreciated. =D

...and also thanks to Camsy Valencia for making this gorgeous mandala tat. Good thing she loves mandalas, swirls..etc. thus hindi siya na-bore when doing this and her enthusiasm for this tat hypes me up and motivates me to get it done. hahaha!

.....I can't wait for this piece to be done. askjdffsalkhs;fhj;sdlfkhas;dfka;skfj. lol. I'll definitely update this once it's finished =)

Here's a 'pahabol' video during the sesh

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