Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bzzt Bzzt (part 2)

Tattoo done.
PARTEYYYY! lol. at first I was really nervous and shit to finish it..maybe coz it's time for the "near shoulder" part..but then when the session started, it was alright. lol...No lie, the shoulder thing did hurt..but it was tolerable =) 

Pictures from yesterday (grabbed 'em from Thanks!)

freehand of the tat
more freehand
w/o "sparkles"
w/ sparkles / final outcome
this is it... =)
with ze awesome Camsy =D
Thank youuu! <333

I uberly grabe sa mega LOVE IT! Enjoyed getting this tat. haha! Thank you so much Camsy! =D know the drill next time na bumalik ako jan. HAHA! :))

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